
2018 ASIA WINE回顾丨五湖四海美酒飘香,世界酒商共聚一堂

2019-02-25 18:10:22 来源: 青岛国际葡萄酒博览会ASIAWINE
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2018 ASIA WINE回顾丨五湖四海美酒飘香,世界酒商共聚一堂


The sponsor of this exposition is Qingdao Municipal People's Government, supported by China National Association for Liquor Circulation and China Wine Associations Alliance, organized by China Council for the Promotion of International trade, Qingdao Sub-Council, operated by Qingdao Jinnoc International Exhibition Co. Ltd. Through the joint efforts of 389 exhibitors, 20,359 visitors and hundreds of media, it had get a perfect ending. According to the statistics of the Organizing Committee, this exposition had attracted 20,359 domestic and foreign visitors, it had hosted totally 16,700 professional visitors, including 2,250 professional visitors abroad, and 5324 buyers from 26 provinces and autonomous regions nationwide.

2018 ASIA WINE回顾丨五湖四海美酒飘香,世界酒商共聚一堂

开幕式Opening ceremony

本届展会获得了法国、意大利、西班牙、德国 、匈牙利、日本、韩国、等数十个国家大使馆的鼎力支持,且多国驻中国领事馆领事以及业内领袖和顶尖行业媒体领导均出席了本届酒展的开幕仪式。

The exhibition has won the support of dozens of national embassies in France, Italy, Spain, Germany, Hungary, Japan, South Korea, etc., and many consulates in the Chinese consulate and industry leaders and top industry media leaders attended the wine. The opening ceremony of the exhibition.

2018 ASIA WINE回顾丨五湖四海美酒飘香,世界酒商共聚一堂

开幕式名单Opening ceremony list

青岛市人民政府副市长 刘建军先生

中国国际贸易促进委员会青岛市分会会长、青岛市会展办主任 冯文青先生

中国酒类流通协会葡萄酒专业委员会秘书长 王祖明先生

中国葡萄酒协会联盟主席、西北农林科技大学葡萄酒学院终身名誉院长 李华先生

中国葡萄酒协会博物馆馆长、中国进口酒委员会首席科学家 王华女士

中国葡萄酒协会联盟副主席、香港葡萄酒商会会长 何耀康先生

甘肃酒类商品管理局副局长 沈明程先生

内蒙古自治区乌海市政府副秘书长 王春林先生

烟台市葡萄与葡萄酒局副局长 张加玉先生

意大利对外贸易委员会北京办事处首席代表暨中国区总协调官 司凯培先生

匈牙利驻华大使馆一等秘书 陶贝娜女士

日本贸易振兴机构青岛代表处所长 松村淑子女士

德国莱法州驻中国经济代表处首席代表 邹冰女士

法国蒙彼利埃地中海大区驻中国代表 白昕迪女士

青岛饮料集团有限公司董事长、党委书记 王达先生

福建省酒类流通协会副会长 汪庆漳先生

江苏省酒类行业协会副会长兼常务秘书长 王建英女士

展商分析Exhibitor Analysis

本届青岛国际葡萄酒博览会参展商总数389家,来自全国15个省市自治区,展位1000余个,展出面积20000平方米,涉及了拉图嘉利、荣耀、奔富、格莱佐、至美、德国约翰山、意大利伯塔尼、西班牙卡佩罗、蒙特斯、伊拉苏酒庄、宇宙 、缝纫机天使、葡萄牙斯坦利、格鲁吉亚斯大林、南非罗伯森酒庄、保乐力加、夏迪、1847、黄尾袋鼠、贾斯汀、玛卡酒庄等297个知名葡萄酒品牌和酒庄。同时,国内知名品牌包括张裕、威龙、华东、九顶庄园等11家企业也大面积参展。

The total number of exhibitors at this year's Qingdao International Wine Expo is 389 from 15 provinces, municipalities and autonomous regions in China, with more than 1,000 booths and an exhibition area of 20,000 square meters. La Tour Carnet, Glory, Penfolds, Glaetzer, Edgemill Group, Schloss Johannisberg, Botani, Capello, Montes, Errazuriz, VIÑA ETERNIDAD, Stanley, Georgia Stalin, Robertson Winery, Pernod Ricard, Hardys, 1847, Yellow Tail, Justin, and other 297 famous wine brands and wineries have showed on this expo, besides, Huadong, Grand Dragon, Changyu, Chateau Nine Peaks and other 11 well-known domestic brands have participated in the exhibition with large areas.

2018 ASIA WINE回顾丨五湖四海美酒飘香,世界酒商共聚一堂


The national pavilion is coming strong

为体现展会现场的高规格、国际化水准,本届ASIA WINE有匈牙利展团、格鲁吉亚展团、德国展团、意大利展团、西班牙展团5个来自欧洲的国家展团,还有上海合作组织国家联合展团、日本展团、韩国展团3个来自亚洲的国家展团前来参展参会。

In order to reflect the high standard and international standard of the exhibition site, this year's ASIA WINE has a Hungarian pavilion, a Georgian pavilion, a German pavilion, an Italian pavilion, a Spanish pavilion, five national pavilions from Europe, and the Shanghai Cooperation Organization. National joint pavilions, Japanese pavilions, and Korean pavilions from Japan participated in the exhibition.

2018 ASIA WINE回顾丨五湖四海美酒飘香,世界酒商共聚一堂


Domestic associations responded


There are a total of Inner Mongolia Wine Exchange, Fujian Liquor Distribution Association, Jiangsu Liquor Industry Association, Jiangsu Wine Association Wine Branch, Yangzhou Liquor Industry Association. Yangzhou Liquor Circulation Association, Xuzhou Liquor Industry Association, Nanjing Liquor Industry Association, Gaoyou Wine Industry Association, Heze Wine Association, Weifang Wine Association, Jinan Wine Association, Shantou Wine Distribution Association, etc. 


Industry recognition, rave reviews

2018 ASIA WINE自开展以来在社会各界引起强烈反响,并且受到业界一致好评。众多展商非常满意,无论是参展商的国际化程度,还是观众质量和现场签约率都非常之高,在行业内引起了强烈的反响和极高的赞誉。

2018 ASIA WINE has aroused strong repercussions from all walks of life since its launch and has been well received by the industry. Many exhibitors were very satisfied, both the international level of the exhibitors, the quality of the audience and the on-site signing rate were very high, which caused strong repercussions and high praise in the industry.

2018 ASIA WINE回顾丨五湖四海美酒飘香,世界酒商共聚一堂

观众分析Visitors Analysis

2018Asia Wine青岛国际葡萄酒博览会共到场观众20359名,其中专业观众16700名,分别来自28个国家和地区以及中国境内26个省、自治区、直辖市和特别行政区,由于本次展会启用了全新一键扫二维码即可注册登记入场模式,观众入场方便快捷。

2018 Qingdao International Wine Exposition (Asia Wine) had hosted totally 20359 visitors, including 16700 professional visitors from 28 countries and regions overseas and 26 provinces and autonomous regions nationwide. As the new two-dimensional code scanning mode is used in the exhibition, the visitors can register and enter quickly.

2018 ASIA WINE回顾丨五湖四海美酒飘香,世界酒商共聚一堂

本届ASIA WINE邀请了大量专业观众到场观展,其中包括经销商、葡萄酒行业从业人员、爱好者以及跨界采购企业等,对于现场的产品非常满意,纷纷表示会积极达成合作,初步交易额在4千万左右。

This year's ASIA WINE invited a large number of professional visitors to attend the exhibition, including dealers, wine industry practitioners, enthusiasts and cross-border procurement companies. They were very satisfied with the products on the spot and expressed their willingness to reach a cooperation. The initial transaction amount is About 40 million.

观众行业Audience industry

2018 ASIA WINE回顾丨五湖四海美酒飘香,世界酒商共聚一堂

观展目的Purpose of exhibition

2018 ASIA WINE回顾丨五湖四海美酒飘香,世界酒商共聚一堂

最喜爱的葡萄酒类型Favorite wine type

2018 ASIA WINE回顾丨五湖四海美酒飘香,世界酒商共聚一堂

观众满意度调查Audience satisfaction survey

2018 ASIA WINE回顾丨五湖四海美酒飘香,世界酒商共聚一堂

观众采访Audience interview

2018 ASIA WINE回顾丨五湖四海美酒飘香,世界酒商共聚一堂


Northeast Asia International Wine and Specialty Wine Market Summit Forum



China is an important engine for the development of the world economy. China's position in the world wine market is becoming more and more important. The world needs to understand the needs and characteristics of the Chinese market. China also needs to better integrate into the world wine market to achieve synergy and common development.

The main contents of this forum are divided into thematic reports, summit dialogues, keynote speeches and other modules. The in-depth analysis of the opportunities and challenges of the Chinese wine market under the new situation and new environment provides an analysis of how overseas developers and distributors can learn from culture and sales. Channels, brands, services and other aspects to attract new consumers.

2018 ASIA WINE回顾丨五湖四海美酒飘香,世界酒商共聚一堂

2018 ASIA WINE回顾丨五湖四海美酒飘香,世界酒商共聚一堂


22 exciting events, deep understanding of wine


To enrich the exhibition content, promote wine culture and guide participants to gain an in-depth understanding of wine, 22 colorful and unique professional events were held at the exhibition, including one professional forum and summit, 6 seminars, 13 activities organized by professional masters from a dozen of countries like Australia, Spain, Germany, Portugal, Italy, Argentina, the United States, SCO member states, and 2 wine contests to bring more professional, multiple and interesting exhibition experience for exhibitors and audiences from multiple perspectives.

2018 ASIA WINE回顾丨五湖四海美酒飘香,世界酒商共聚一堂


Online and offline full media 360° promotion


2018 ASIA WINE回顾丨五湖四海美酒飘香,世界酒商共聚一堂


2018年ASIA WINE 圆满结束,期许2019年ASIA WINE的到来,博览会借助国家“一带一路”利好政策及青岛地理位置的优势,以“汇聚上合之城,品尝世界美酒”为主题,在青岛这一展示窗口将海外优质葡萄酒与烈酒商品引入中国,同时为中国各大葡萄酒展商搭建产销贸易平台,实现打造青岛为东北亚葡萄酒交易中心的目标。

2019年6月28-30日,AISA WINE与您盛夏盛夏相约。

2018 ASIA WINE回顾丨五湖四海美酒飘香,世界酒商共聚一堂

