
独家专访 | 葡萄酒大赛即将开幕,你想了解的大师都在这里!

2019-09-12 10:20:59 来源: 葡萄酒网
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独家专访 | 葡萄酒大赛即将开幕,你想了解的大师都在这里!


独家专访 | 葡萄酒大赛即将开幕,你想了解的大师都在这里!


>>>彼得鲁•陶乐斯 <<<

Pedro Ballesteros Torres MW

独家专访 | 葡萄酒大赛即将开幕,你想了解的大师都在这里!





葡萄酒大师:PB Torres(Pedro Ballesteros Torres)

BRWSC:Being an authority on the Spanish wine industry, do you see any similarities or differences between Spain, one of the most important wine-producing countries and certainly the largest grape growing country in the world, and China, a nascent but fast developing “New World” of wines?


PB Torres: I see many similarities and as many differences as well. What is most similar is the quest, both in China and in Spain, for high quality wines that represent their respective landscapes, peoples and history. The differences are then huge: different climates, different soils, different market approaches and structures, different governances….But the main similarity is much more relevant than any difference: indeed, what is common to all real wine lovers is the active defence of diversity.     


独家专访 | 葡萄酒大赛即将开幕,你想了解的大师都在这里!

BRWSC:Can you please identify some of the areas that Chinese wineries and the industry in general need to improve on? (such as selection on grape varieties, wine promotion and marketing, wine education and etc.) 


PB Torres:Grape varieties is definitely a key point for China. I think that China needs a relevant effort to research existing and new grape varieties that are really adapted to Chinese climates. Only by having the adequate genetic material, which by definition cannot be French or international, would China get in the league of top fine wine countries.

Education is also an important point, but I’m quite sceptic on following Western education models only. China needs to define and develop their own wine culture, provided it is a real culture. Wine can be enjoyed in a myriad ways, many more than those pursued by the western world.   



独家专访 | 葡萄酒大赛即将开幕,你想了解的大师都在这里!

BRWSC: Many “New World” wine countries such as Australia and America versus “Old World” wine countries such as France have rather different appellation of origin systems. When Burgundy is famously known for its countless climats, American wine regions are conveniently indicated by both political as well as geographical boundaries via AVAs. Why do you think there are such differences and how this may affect regional performances in markets?


PB Torres:Differences between New World and Old World indications of origin are due to political and historical reasons, not to genuine quality factors. It is up to each country to apply their own strategies, provided they respect the others’ and they do not allow fraud. Then it is up to customers to reward one or the other system. Having said this, I think it is definitely superior to protect the names of origin in all countries; this is something genuinely associated to territories. As soon as a country get decent wines, they get interested in protecting their names. Only those with mediocre quality use fake names. The New World got intensely active in creating indications of origin as soon as they get some quality in their wines. This is the tendency also in China, where Ningxia and other prestigious names are fiercely protected now.



>>>莎拉•简•伊万 <<<

Sarah Jane Evans MW

独家专访 | 葡萄酒大赛即将开幕,你想了解的大师都在这里!






葡萄酒大师:SJ Evans (Sarah Jane Evans)

BRWSC:Wines and tourism in many regions are inseparable, places such as La Rioja, Napa and Barrosa Valley are not only known as successful wine producing regions but also regarded as must-visit destinations for wine aficionados and regular tourists alike. However, wine tourism still needs much development in China due to multiple reasons such as lacking of collaborations among wineries. What are your advices on promoting wine culture and regional economy through wine tourism in China?


SJ Evans:I speak from my experience of wine tourism in Europe, and in north and south America, New Zealand, Australia and South Africa. Wine tourism at its best can obviously make a very positive contribution to the winery, but also to the local economy. Visitors will be encouraged to visit the region, and they will have a reason to spend longer there. Each winery needs to develop its own offer and to tell a different story. 

One winery may have a very good programme for children, another may offer food and wine matching at its restaurant, another may have a strong commitment to education about vine growing and wine making, yet another may become known for musical events. Thus, by working together in a single regional promotion, the different wineries make a very attractive, diverse offer to visitors and can teach them about the safe and sensible enjoyment of wine. Local tourism needs to be involved to ensure that there are adequate hotels and places to stay. Wineries are one part of a regional tourism package that may include leisure activities in the countryside, or visiting historical sites. In a number of countries ‘Wine Routes’ linking local wineries have proved successful, and can be used in international marketing.

Finally, every winery must be committed to a programme that educates visitors about drinking alcohol in moderation, and the safe consumption of alcohol.

根据我在欧洲、北美、南美、新西兰、澳大利亚和南非的经历,来简单说说酒庄旅游这件事。组织得当的酒庄游确实会为酒庄和当地经济发展带来非常积极的影响。游客会有更多的理由来到当地参观,并且会停留更久的时间。不过,每一个酒庄都应该找到自身的差异性,讲述出与众不同的故事。比如:其中一个酒庄可以重点做亲子游、另一个酒庄可以通过餐饮服务发展自己的优势,有的酒庄则可以提供系统专业的葡萄酒知识培训,而其他酒庄或许可以将自己打造为举办音乐节的黄金胜地。这样一来,不同的酒庄通过整体产区的宣传,形成合力,为消费者带来各具特色的产品和服务,同时传播健康饮酒的生活理念。当地的旅游局需要确保酒庄游的配套设施,保证周边餐饮和住宿的良性发展。反之,酒庄游也可以反哺本地旅游,成为本地旅游中除了风景游览、古迹参观之外的又一大旅游特色。在很多国家,连接产区沿线酒庄的“葡萄酒线路”(“Wine Routes”)模式非常成功,也便于国际市场的集体品牌发声。


独家专访 | 葡萄酒大赛即将开幕,你想了解的大师都在这里!

BRWSC:Many wineries are producing biodynamic wines and some question if biodymically growing grapes and wines thereafter are better reflections of terroir. What is your opinion on this phenomenon and do you think this value will be adopted by winegrowers in China ? 


SJ Evans:Biodynamicsis the practice of working introduced by Rudolf Steiner. Whether it reflects the terroir better is debated, and there are many who are very strongly in favour. Whatis certain is that a producer working with biodynamics, or growing grapes organically, has to pay a great deal of attention to the vineyard. 

Rather than simply applying chemical treatments to the vine according to a calendar, this way of working requires the producer to be more focused on the health of the individual plant. It does not work in every environment. It’sparticularly difficult in places of high humidity and high rainfall, for instance.

Every producer needs to think about the health of the people working in the vineyard. A biodynamically managed vineyard may be better for the health of the vineyard workers. Furthermore, it’s important for producers to look ahead. As consumers become more interested in their health, and the environment, and sustainability, then there may be an increasing demand for winesfrom biodynamically or organically grown grapes.Producers who are working this way already will have an advantage.


每一个生产者都应该关心在葡萄园中工作人员的健康, 生动法或许比普通的种植方法更好的保证这一点。此外,生产者是否能够高瞻远瞩也尤为重要:伴随着越来越多消费者对于个人健康、环境、可持续性发展的关注,由生动法制造的葡萄酒会迎来更高的市场需求,坚持生动法种植和酿造的生产者已经因此占据了一个良好的行业优势。

BRWSC:Some believe that the current grape varieties being grown in China are highly homogeneous and lack diversity. In your opinion, are there any lesser-known grape varieties which you believe might perform well in China, particularly in the areas of Ningxia and Shandong regions?

一些人认为目前在中国种植的酿酒葡萄品种同质化比较严重,缺乏多样性。以您的观点来看,有哪些不那么“国际化”的葡萄品种其实是比较适合种植在中国的吗? 尤其是在中国的宁夏和山东产区。

独家专访 | 葡萄酒大赛即将开幕,你想了解的大师都在这里!

莎拉女士最新著作 《The Wines of Northern Spain》

SJ Evans:I am not yet familiar with the soils and climate, the terroir, of Ningxia and Shandong so cannot comment on this.  What I would say is that these regions should focus on producing the best wines they can from their soils. This will inevitably involve continued experimentation over time. There is no requirement to use famous international varieties. The best wines may come from something lesser-known that is better adapted to the environment. It will be an opportunity for Ningxia and Shandong to show that they have something different to offer.



>>>约奥•皮雷斯 <<<

Joao Piers MS

独家专访 | 葡萄酒大赛即将开幕,你想了解的大师都在这里!





侍酒大师:JP (Joao Piers)

BRWSC:Food and wine pairing is a relatively new concept to most of Chinese wine consumers, some believe that it is partially because of a plethora of Chinese food types and tastes being often shared among dinner tables, which makes it impossible to find a “one fits all” solution. What are your suggestions to restaurantuers, sommeliers, and wine trade professionals on wine pairing for Chinese cuisines? 


JP:The first thing that comes to my mind is, does Chinese food needs wine or does Chinese food can anyhow be susceptible to be paired with wine? There is no such thing as a “one fits all” recipe as there is no such thing as Chinese food. There are various cuisines such as Cantonese, Sichuan, Jiangsu, Hunan, Shandong and many others. Most importantly the Chinese approach to the preparation and serving of food is very different from what Westerners are familiar with. For instance, the approach of sharing a concept that I love, as an example being the main course, where several different dishes are all served at once, with everyone helping themselves from the same dish makes food pairing quite a challenge to say the least.

A Chinese regular guest of mine once explained me that he likes to start with the most complex perhaps more expensive wine in the beginning of a meal allocating the less interesting ones to be poured in the end. This is truly the opposite in our Western culture but his argument support makes a lot of sense as he added that drinking the best wines in the end of the meal when you are possibly already drunk it’s not worth the investment. I have organized various wine dinners in our Chinese Michelin starred restaurants at Melco with authentic Chinese food but of course being served course by course and playing and managing various elements such as spice, sweet and sour and oily tastes as well as the richness and complexity of sauces. 

A real challenge are desserts because Chinese normally prefer fresh fruit. When they do indulge in something special, instead of being loaded with sugar, the desserts are frequently filled with sweet and savory ingredients, from taro to sweet red bean paste. Our mindset needs to be reset to be able to understand why sweet wines sales are not quite successful in this part of the world. Even in our western world of sugar I tend to avoid sweet wines with very sweet desserts as it will taste so boring, so nauseating, so disgusting. Instead the key here is acidity to be involved, not only for the wine pairing balance but for the absolutely need of lift and cleansing of your palate.

首先在我脑海中浮现的第一个问题是:中餐需要葡萄酒吗?或者说中餐适合搭配葡萄酒吗?在真实的情况中确实没有任何一款葡萄酒能够驾驭一切中餐,或者说,“中餐”(Chinese Cuisines)的概念其实根本就是不存在的——我得意思是在中国,我们可以品尝到广东菜、四川菜、江苏菜、湖南菜、山东菜和各式各样地具有着当地风土人情的特色菜肴。更重要的是,中国菜肴特有的烹饪和餐桌礼仪是与西方文化有着很大差异的。比如说,中餐中关于“分享”和“围坐”的饮食文化,大家共同取食同一份菜肴,这些都让传统意义上的“餐酒搭配”颇具挑战。



独家专访 | 葡萄酒大赛即将开幕,你想了解的大师都在这里!

BRWSC: Professional sommelier service is an essential part of the wine culture, and China has a unique wine culture or lack thereof. How do you think being a sommelier in China, one should keep the balance between respecting the local dinning cultures and observing the standard practices of a sommelier?


JP:The standards for a sommelier are not related with geography and different cultures. The main purpose of a sommelier is guest satisfaction. This means not only product knowledge, management and financial skills but most importantly the ability ʺto readʺ, respect and ideally to anticipate the guest expectations. That being said one need to bear in mind that the approach in London is different from the approach in Paris, New York, Tokyo or Shanghai. Operating in an environment such as London where I lived for 10 years, where most guests have a satisfactory wine knowledge background, very opened minded and price sensitive is totally different from a sommelier performing for instance in Macau a market driven by Casinos. 

The one who survives it is not necessarily the strongest one, the most skilled and knowledgeable one, but on the contraire, the one who better adapts. Wine is not part of the Chinese culture and definitely the existence of a sommelier is quite a very recently born métier. Money develops the ability to attract fashions and trendies that our modern, high tech, fast moving world shortens distance and time. The speed of development is sometimes faster than the foundations that only time can fix. I arrived in China three and half years ago and I can tell you this is quite a different world. I have been studying, reading as much as I can, travelling and experiencing a culture with 5000 years, and this is so, so serious and powerful. 

To inject our relatively young culture in a very old one it is not always a smooth transition. I honestly must confess that the sommelier proficiency and credibility in China is a long term commitment but I have absolutely no doubts of its success in the future. Our western vision will change for sure and that is not a bad thing at all. As Dr. Wayne Dyer an American philosopher and spiritual individual once said ʺwhen you change the way you look at things, the things you look at changeʺ.



因此,当我们相对年轻的文化去影响这个古老的文化的时候,过程一定是不轻松的。诚实的说,侍酒师的整体职业能力和公信力在中国还需要长时间的培育,但我坚信这个行业一定可以在中国变得非常成功。而西方的观念也一定会逐步改变,这真的不一定是件坏事。正如同美国著名的哲学家、智者韦恩·戴尔(Wayne Dyer)博士曾经说到“当你改变对事物的看法时,你所看到的事物也在改变。”(“When you change the way you look at things, the things you look at change”)


