
2020Wine to Asia定档11.20,全新模式优化升级

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2020Wine to Asia定档11.20,全新模式优化升级

原定于11月上旬举办的2020年『Wine to Asia深圳国际葡萄酒及烈酒展览会』将更新至2020年11月20日-21日,于深圳华侨城洲际大酒店举办!

The Wine to Asia Shenzhen International Wine and Spirits Fair, originally scheduled for early November, will be held on November 20-21 at the Intercontinental OCT Shenzhen Hotel.

由Vinitaly意大利联合酒展主办方——Veronafiere维罗纳会展与深圳百高文化传播有限公司携手打造的Wine to Asia,致力于在中国粤港澳大湾区核心城市——深圳,为全球参展商和专业观众提供一个全新高效的葡萄酒及烈酒贸易推广平台。

Wine to Asia, organized by Veronafiere and Shenzhen Pacco Communication, will provide a new and professional international wine and spirits trade show in Shenzhen, the core city of the Greater Bay area.

『Wine to Asia』团队一直紧密关注当前瞬息万变及充满挑战的全球市场及国际展商参展条件,综合考虑后,慎重做出2020年全新模式优化决定。力图为葡萄酒及烈酒行业呈现一场高质量盛会,以让展商及到场专业观众能有最大收获,为大湾区市场注入新活力。

The Wine to Asia team has closely monitored the rapidly changing and challenging global market for international exhibitors and decided on this date and venue to maximize opportunities for the wine and spirits industry.

2020Wine to Asia定档11.20,全新模式优化升级

2020Wine to Asia定档11.20,全新模式优化升级

Wine to Asia致力于提供一个独特的交流平台,与亚洲地区专业进口商、经销商、买家、餐饮酒店业采购决策者及葡萄酒、烈酒收藏家等建立长期商业网络。

Wine to Asia's mission is to provide a unique and exciting platform to network and establish long-term business relations with leading importers, distributors and buyers, with horeca purchasing decision makers, and with wine & spirits collectors.

2020Wine to Asia定档11.20,全新模式优化升级

为给予展商和参展者直观和优质的现场体验,Wine to Asia 2020全新模式优化后仍将按国家展区、产区协会展区、葡萄酒及烈酒类别进行系统分区。由Wine to Asia打造的Living Wine自然酒专区将是今年展会的一大特色。ITA意大利对外贸易委员会主导的意大利推广专区,DOCa Rioja西班牙里奥哈葡萄酒优质原产地推广专区、Wines of Chile智利葡萄酒协会展区也将是Wine to Asia本届重要亮点。

The exhibition areas will be divided by country, region and wine and spirits category. The fair will also feature a natural wine area called Living Wine, in cooperation with Ziran. DOCa Rioja, Wines of Chile, Italian Trade Agency pavilions will be key highlights this year.

2020Wine to Asia定档11.20,全新模式优化升级

Wine to Asia已荟萃来自意大利、智利、西班牙、法国、阿根廷、中国、斯洛文尼亚等国的上百家国际生产商和优质品牌。

The fair will include international producers and high-quality brands from Italy, Chile, Spain, France, Argentina, China, and Slovenia, among others.


Visitor pre-registration system will be open soon, stay tuned!

2020Wine to Asia定档11.20,全新模式优化升级

2020Wine to Asia定档11.20,全新模式优化升级

Wine to Asia以为国际生产商及优质品牌打造专业平台为核心,配置专业顶级活动。届时,两天展会期间将为到场专业观众呈现数十场精彩纷呈、丰富多彩的大师班,如智利葡萄酒协会、DOCa Rioja西班牙里奥哈葡萄酒优质原产地、意大利Franciacorta协会、斯洛文尼亚十大顶尖橘酒生产商和中国葡萄酒中越来越受到关注的马瑟兰品种等举办的专业大师班及顶级品酒会。

Therewill also be more than ten masterclasses and grand tastings,including those featuring Wines of Chile, DOCa Rioja, the Franciacorta consortium, the top Slovenian orange wine brands and Chinese wines made from increasingly popular Marselan grape.


The details and registration of Masterclasses will be released soon.

2020Wine to Asia定档11.20,全新模式优化升级

2020Wine to Asia定档11.20,全新模式优化升级

2020年,Wine to Asia携手WINWSA 2020(国际女性葡萄酒及烈酒业界大奖WOMEN IN WINE & SPIRITS AWARD,首个表彰酒界杰出女性从业者的奖项),为女性葡萄酒教育从业者提供奖学金。同时,还将共同举办主题为“消费者洞察及中国葡萄酒市场趋势”、“酒企社会责任”等联合论坛。

Wine to Asia partner WINWSA 2020 (Women In Wine & Spirits Award, an international award to honor the accomplishments of female professionals in the drink business), will organize a forum, with topics focusing on consumer insights and wine trends in China, Business Ethics and CSR (Corporate social responsibility).

